From the 1954 film Khataf Merati (My wife’s kidnapping) starring Anwar Wagdi and Sabah in the role of a couple who are to be married in spite of the fact that they barely know each other. Their families have arranged the marriage for them and both bride and groom are extremely wary and reluctant about the whole thing. In this scene Anwar Wagdi has gone to a bar to have some drinks on the night before his wedding. He is feeling miserable and wants to enjoy his last night of bachelorhood in a bar. The dancer in this clip is Naemet Mokhtar. She was born in Alexandria to a wealthy family and was an only child who grew up in more than comfortable surroundings. Her mother was a woman who loved music and who had many artist friends. However, the relationship between Naemet Mokhtar’s mother and father was very conflictive and when the fights became intolerable the mother left her husband and escaped taking Naemet with her. Eventually mother and daughter went to live in El Mansoura with a good friend of the mother’s who happened to be a well known artist named Oum Zaitoun. It was from Oum Zaitoun that Naemet Mokhtar learned to sing. Later, they went to live in Port Said with another friend of her mother’s named Nabaweya Salem. Nabaweya had no daughters of her own and she grew to love Naemet as a daughter. Nabaweya also had a dance troupe who was regularly hired to dance for high class celebrations. She would often take the young Naemet with her to these parties and Naemet would …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Long awaited for- 3 months of hard work in the making. Despite the size of it, it is still a school project- it had to be informative and at least semi-appropriate for class. Part 1 is choppy- it’s where I get the informational pieces out of the way. It’s definately worth watching though. NOTE IN OPENING CREDITS: The opening credits were done before the film was finished. I added the name “Kurt Eberling” to it later, but it came out faded and blurred. I just want to make it clear at least here (and in the end credits) that he has been a great help.
Video Rating: 4 / 5