Question by Madam K: Name of short satirical film about a world where everyone is gay?
I am trying to find a short film I found on the Independent Film Channel. It is shot in black and white, in a style similar to the 40’s or 50’s. In this film, the norm is to be gay. The main character has two fathers, who find straight porn in his room, and realize he has not been “studying” with his female friend from school. The two dads bring the son in for shock therapy, where he views pictures of women and is shocked if he becomes aroused, and is rewarded for being aroused by pictures of men.
Best answer:
Answer by Peter
Haha, sounds pretty normal where I live (San Francisco), except for the shock therapy part of course.
Dunno the film, but it sounds interesting.
Edit: Could it be “CATCHING ON: The Day the World Turned Gay”?
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!