by Matt Woolner
Question by Mrs. Pastrana 199: Need Advice on Going to College for Teaching?
Need Advice on Going to College for Teaching?
all my life i wanted to be a teacher and that’s definetely going to be my major, Elementary Education:Writing Arts. but im having a hard time chosing my minor. i thought i wanted to minor in dance so i could teach dance on the side. i also take film production classes too and my teacher says im very talented in that too. so i dont know what to do, go for dance or film.
Best answer:
Answer by lalikrys
I am personally a teacher myself. I majored in elementary education. Teaching is VERY hard work, you have to be devoted every single day! Because we know that we are in it for those kids, and definitely not for the money,lol. My advice to you, is to minor in whatever you love doing the most. Odd are, if you are going to be an Elementary Education teacher, you WILL NOT have time to teach dancing during the school year. You could always do it during the summers, if you wanted. However, if you minored in film, you could always fall back on that and teach something of that nature in a school if you got tired of teaching just elementary subjects. Hope this helps!
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