Question by hollyw00d_87: Need advice on whether I should take this acting job or not?
Ok..I have theatre experience but I am trying to get some film experience and recently a director for an independent film wanted to cast me in his movie..Thing is, I watched some of the other stuff he has done and it makes me wonder what kind of experience he has because its very cheesy with extremely bad dialogue and he also casts actors who absolutely cannot act their way out of a paper bag I am not trying to be mean but honest..And its been known that some actors have made some bad film choices which is why their career never took off..Also are indie films supposed to look like they have been shot with a regular video camera? because his looks like that. I dont know much about independent filmmaking as I am a theatre geek lol I would really love to do film and just dont know if I should take this job I mean it would be good for experience right? lol I just want some opinions..Thank you!!
Also I dont want to do anything I dont feel passionate about and I am just not sure how I feel about this role..
Im the actress not the director lol but thanks for your answer 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Angel 18
well i did director for my film ( i’m in the Multi midea academy at East Bakersfield High School) well it is stressful when u got to get everything ready but afterwords its cool and fun just be strict while filming of it won’t turn out good im telling you should take it and have fun and enjoy yourself and be Straight out to your actors so they wont play around to much for real i Know for experience
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