Question by Pygmy Gibbon: Need help with career choice, what would you do if this was your life?
I’m a guy, seventeen, a senior in high school in America. By this time I’m sure most kids will have some idea on the direction they’d like to go in after high school–what sort of majors they might want to declare, the start of the career path they want, etc. I know many people change their careers several times, and many people go undecided, but my situation just leaves me confused as to what to do.
The thing I know for sure is that I want to go to college. I also know I want to pick a college/university based on whether or not they offer a concentration in courses that are suitable for what I want to be doing AFTER college. The problem is, I don’t have the vaguest idea what that is.
Funny thing is, I actually know what I want. And I know some about what I am:
— I am artistic, imaginative, and creative more than anything. I love drawing, creating, etc. My notebooks are more often filled with sketches than class notes. I love to read.
— My writing is among my strengths. I speak and persuade well, but am not comfortable as I want to be yet (could use much improvement with stage fright, for example).
— I find humor in a lot of things. I take the world lightly. I love to present my ideas.
— I tend to lack interest in math, numbers, politics, papery bland white stuff like that. I realize its importance, but t’s white noise to me. I tend to think that being too realistic is restrictive.
— I’m more often optimistic than pessimistic. I dream and tend to be hopeful about things where others will discourage me. I’m very inclined to reach for things that others will perceive is out of their grasp.
— I’m easily awed by things… I appreciate being able to see depth in regular things. I’ll be the first to point out the fact that I can see the clouds go on forever on the horizon today, or I’ll over-describe how I’m perceiving something just to make sure I conveyed an emotion or idea as exactly as I can.
— I do well with computers. I enjoy digital art (2d and 3d), and I have an interest in scripting/programming.
— Big interests in music, film, acting, and the media in general.
— If I could, I would have taken up learning singing, the piano, guitar, drums, and other instruments, even dancing early on and can very well imagine myself having a rolling garage bands with friends now. Same thing for school plays and such.
— I want adventure and change. Travel, maybe. I can’t imagine having a job where I do the same thing over and over again for years. I tend to imagine my ideal job as having some sort of travel involved, yacht trips or something, hahah.
— High pay and job security. Also, the opportunity to advance (and be payed more ;p).
— I want to have a flexible schedule, or a schedule that isn’t too heavy on constant work. I need family/getaway time.
— Most importantly, I want to end up doing something that I LOVE to do. Many people give up and accept their fate as having to do WORK for a living. Some instead choose to (or have bestowed on them) the opportunity to LIVE and get paid. I’d much prefer a job that is a source of joy and livelihood.
Occupational fields that interest me one way or another: photography, film direction, acting, music, film/video editing, animation, fashion design, automotive design, marine biology (dunno), news correspondent, news anchor. So. Personality wise, I’m very strong on the art and creativity side. It burns in me, I wish I could do it all, and there isn’t enough time or room to do it. Problem: Due to religion, I must restrict myself. I cannot engage in creating music (though I admit I have a deep desire for it). I can’t draw faces or create images of humans/creatures (that includes video, and makes film/media/animation/photography problematic).
To give an idea… occupational fields that have somehow interested me one way or another: photography, film direction, acting, music, film/video editing, animation, fashion design, automotive design, marine biology (dunno), news correspondent, news anchor, fiction writer, video game design, illustrator, business/finance, teaching.
Thus, I have outrageous, screaming desires for what I want to do with my life and where I want to invest my studies, but I don’t know how to fulfill them. I’d love to go in a direction that pays well, uses my skills/talent, feeds my want for some adventure and expressing myself creatively, but allows me to stay true to my beliefs. Most of all, I want to end up enjoying what I do as a hobby and livelihood, not strenuous or bland labor.
In other words, I need an optimum option that meets these goals. I can’t really find one. Maybe I’m not looking hard enough. Can you pinpoint something or reassure me of a certain way to go?
Whoops, I realize there’s a huge repeat there in the end. Mistake.
So far, all that is for sure is that I’m going to a community college (cheaper, more time to figure things out) first before I hope to transfer, by which time I will hopefully be sure enough to declare a major.
Best answer:
Answer by Alvaro Peltier
The advertising line looks just perfect for you based on what you’ve said. Creating ads requires a a lot of skill in all kinds of arts plus the ability to view things from a fresh perspective. A visualiser in the field of advertising is what most probably would match all your creative impulses plus give you enough flexibility to work your way. Hope this helps.
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