Question by Edward: Now that we know at least one of the ACORN tapes is a joke, isn’t the burden on Fox News to put up or shut up?
“No journalistic standards were applied to making the video or vetting it for broadcast.” Isn’t that Fox’s mission statement? If they can’t provide independent documented proof as to the veracity of statements made in the other ACORN videos, isn’t it time to put this nonsense to rest?[tt_news]=22583&tx_ttnews[backPid]=12387&cHash=f1e6ffcdd4
“They were not believable”, said Ms. Kaelke of the two actors. “Somewhat entertaining, but they weren’t even good actors. I didn’t know what to make of them. They were clearly playing with me. I decided to shock them as much as they were shocking me. Like Stephen Colbert does – saying the most outrageous things with a straightface.” While her sense of humor might not be funny to many people, the fact is that she spun false scenario afterfalse scenario and the videographer ate them up.
For example, in response to the set-up by the filmmakers in which they say they are trying get the young woman away from her abusive pimp, she responds that she was abused by her former husband as well (true) and that she shot and killed him (false). He is very much alive and living near Barstow, CA.
However, this is taken as the gospel truth, not just in the film itself, but also by several “news” personalities,indicating that no journalistic standards were applied to making the video or vetting it for broadcast.
Best answer:
Answer by Nobleenigma
The question to ask is has Glen Beck stopped beating his wife yet?
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