Alan Browns debut gay short film O Beautiful, which he wrote and directed, tells the story of repressed high-school jock Andy (the accomplished David Clayton Rogers) who returns to the scene of an anti-gay attack, to help victim Brad (the passionate Jay Gillespie) after having left him alone in a remote cornfield at night, bleeding and humiliated from the homophobic bullying incident. O Beautiful Film Synopsis Over and over again, Andy tells Brad that he left before the homophobic attack took place, and from this they begin to build a delicate trust. Andys emotions are volatile though, and throughout O Beautiful he oscillates between crying, laughing, being tender toward Brad, and coming close to assaulting him again. He asks what it is that makes Brad so sure that hes gay, but becomes upset with the answer that he receives. Finally, Andy convinces Brad to sit with him in his truck to get warm and the two become intimate. At the apex of O Beautiful however, Andy confesses that he was the one who held Brad down whilst the anti-gay attack took place. In penance, he gives Brad his truck, and Brad drives away, leaving Andy just how Andy originally left him, but this time with deep emotional wounds rather than physical ones. David Clayton Rogers Shines as a Remorseful Homophobic Bully in O Beautiful
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