WWW.EVENTIDEPRODUCTIONS.NET In 2005 I landed my first acting job. (I’m the kid in the red hat.) It was the first audition I ever went on, and the first real production I was ever a part of. Since 2006 Of Darkness has been taking the horror film festival circuit by storm. Having been accepted as an Official Selection by twenty one festivals, Of Darkness was nominated ten times for Best Short Film and won more than half of those nods, bringing home SIX BEST SHORT FILM awards. The little film with the heart of a feature didnt stop there it also took home awards for most Most Promising Filmmaker, Best Cinematography, and Audience Award for Best Short Film! This stand alone DVD includes special features such as: • The Other Side of Darkness Behind-the-Scenes Featurette • Storyboard Comparisons • Filmmakers Commentary • Trailers • Photo Gallery There are also some value packs including the DVD, Official poster of the film, as well as a new Of Darkness tee-shirt which includes an original Steve Cleff illustration straight out of the Book of Darkness itself. All proceeds are to help to offset the cost of Eventides upcoming feature film known only as the Indigo Falls Project. Please help support independent filmmakers. www.eventideproductions.net
Video Rating: 4 / 5