A new documentary, coming this fall, directed by acclaimed independent filmmaker Perry Hingle-Meijer Frost will explore the lives and tragic deaths of the the SERK Crew, revolutionary comedians and community activists. Through this documentary, Frost unveils the triumphs and tragedies of a young group of filmmakers through the action of four up-n-coming actors. From Britain to Indiana all come together to create a warm, enlightening, and heart wrenching film about youth, love, and life. Written by Seth Fisher, Bobby Dowell, Bethany Alexander, and Ryan Kingma Directed by Ryan Kingma Produced by Ryan Kingma, Seth Fisher, and Bethany Alexander
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Hi, I’m Trevor Hultner, an 18-year-old senior involved with the print journalism/newspaper (Ruff Draft) class at Edmond North High School in Edmond, OK. This video is my official entry into the 2010 YouTube/Sony/Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Project:Report video journalism contest. This is my first foray into the world of video reporting. Helping me out with the work of editing and interviewing were fellow seniors Matt Skuta and Jordan Hendricks. Matt is an independent filmmaker and editor who’s currently in the business of making comedic commentaries on life; he’s got his own “production company” of sorts with “The Warehouse Pictures.” Jordan is an aspiring journalist like myself; she is an award-winning high school newspaper writer with years of experience under her belt. This video, consequently, is the second video news report she’s been involved with. THE SUBJECT OF THE FILM/BACKSTORY: Oklahoma resident Ken Surritte is the founder and driving force behind Water Is Life, a unique charity organization that bases its work not only in the local community but in 27 countries around the world. Their business is raising money for and distributing special water purification straws to third world countries and disaster areas such as earthquake-ravaged Haiti. Every 10 dollars donated by an individual or business effectively buys three potable liters of drinking water per person, per day, for a year for someone in one of these countries. The straw is meant to protect …