Question by sammy w: Ok, How should I go from medium format film to pro digital?
I asked about switching from medium format to digital and I think we all agree…. film rules. But I see it coming to the point where I will need to go digital in my studio. I am very old school and love film, but when I go digital, knowing that I need total control for lighting, etc., which camera is going to be best for me?
You asked what I primarily shoot in the studio. I also own a hair salon and have done all my ad work for years, some commercial work here and there…..but I mostly shoot portrait, glamour, fashion stuff. The problem I have at this point is #1. the place in town that used to process my 120 “real” B&W film closed.(I hate to process film) Another place in town will do the c-41 B&W, but I don’t like that film. I have shot 120 color slides & scanned them for billboard work and that was fine, but it’s color. I’ve also had to scan my B&W prints inorder to use them for ad work or billboard work for my salon too. The placed that closed just processed the film…. I shoot all of my contact sheets and prints. Some of the “glamour” (I hate that term) work I do is for gifts to the husband or boyfriend and can sometimes be a bit more private type of work that I really don’t want to send off out of town(and have to wait) That’s why I am thinking about the change. More thoughts and advice please
Best answer:
Answer by antoni m
i agree 100% film rules!
ok im a few months ahead of you, (more 35mm film based)
stick to canon and nilkon just for lens quality and selection, why not medium digital?
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