happening behind the scenes of the independent film world you can join in the community and chat it up with folks from all over swapping favorite film and filming tips. Here you can upload you own media, look at photos and demo reels, listen to awesome music, check out the classifieds and see when the next film festivals are. At their movie store you can preview and purchase independent and foreign films in a couple of clicks- not looking to buy? Then you can choose to ‘rent’ the films to watch unlimitedly for up to 30 days when you are logged in. If you are a myspacer or a tweet peep they can be found there.
The long and short of it is Bigstar has created the best little spot on the web to catch a quick independent or foreign film, so log in pull up a chair and enjoy.
This article was written by Kirstin Douglas. For more information on online films or how to stream movies online go to www.bigstar.tv
Article from articlesbase.com