Challenged by the widespread globalization of information sources, and the deregulation and privatization of media outlets, marginalized communities worldwide ask: “When will we be able to control, own and manage the communication processes and tools critical to our community’s social development?” This short documentary examines the work of a group of indigenous filmmakers in Bolivia–focusing on individuals in the Cinematography Education and Production Center (CEFREC) and Bolivian Indigenous Peoples’ Audiovisual Council (CAIB)–who have used film and video as part of their struggle for political and cultural representation. This student documentary was an independent study project in the SIT Study Abroad Bolivia: Culture and Development program, 2007 By Mark Kendall. Featuring, Reynaldo Yujra, Humberto Claros, Ivan Sanjines, Victor Cortez Vasquez, Leny Olivera Rojas. Music from, musica al vivo Solisticio de Tiwanaku, Tambores de El Trono. Contact:, World Learning: