Question by Cat Lover: Paranormal Activity – I wouldn’t even call it a movie – anybody hate it?
I just rented it and what a huge disappointment! It was so boring and NOT scary – I heard so much about how scary it was, I had to see it. Big mistake. Someone explain to me how this fake documentary/reality show type production could end up on the big screen.
Best answer:
Answer by Highalltimes
Yes i HATE IT ,, it wasnt even so much the story or the way it was shot that bothered me .. it was the acting .. the dialouge .. after listening to that stupid wench talk about the ouiji board for countless mineuts I thought… G Wonder Whats Gonna Happen .. the acting was so horrible it makes me physically sick to see things like that .. its like some usless youtube skit .
Normally id give you reasons why a certain movie was made .. for example Jurrasic park was only directed by Speilberg so he could do his opus of Schindlers list .. wki < Harvey Keitel apperes in Resivouir dogs because he financed "A Band Apart" Tarentinoes production company but for the life of me i cannot see why anyone in any film school or any kind of movie making power chose this hacknyed story .. let alone chose to use the crap actors.. let alone the improvised script and let alone the stupid style it was shot in .. Rubbish to see that this movie frightens anyone over 13 is a horrible sighn of the times we live in .. sheltered spoiled brats who think its "Cute" or "Hot" to get startled by a spooky noise.. but then hates the movie where the crazed drugged out pedophilie shoots 26 people in the next theater .. because he cant take the world around him .. Wait what was i talking about ..
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