Purchase at www.TheVeteransMuseum.com Introduction for a 5-Part independent project, in a style similar to Ken Burns, that follows the real-life story of Philadelphia teenagers who joined the famous 101st Airborne Division during WWII. The film uses voices of real WWII airborne veterans rather than voice-over narration. Aging troopers describe their personal war, one place and one incident at a time in the largest conflict in human history. Humble heroes recount jump training at Fort Benning; brief romances in England and a night jump into Normandy. The lone survivor of C-47 Plane #5, tells how his “lucky bill” was signed by everyone before taking off to an unknown fate. A second combat jump into Holland precedes 72 days along Hell’s Highway. These troopers came home with not only Purple Hearts, but also traumatic memories that still resonate as if they happened yesterday. Sisters and brothers describe a trooper’s teenage years before their world was turned upside down after December 7th 1941. This story ends in the small town of Bastogne, soon to become a household word after the Christmas of 1944. Lives of a young Belgian boy and a paratrooper not much older, are miraculously saved and reconnected with a Prayer Card …returned after 62 years.A year in the making, this independent documentary project uses interviews, vintage wartime Philadelphia home movies, personal photo collections, captured German film and material from the National Archives never seen before …
Lloyd Kaufman talks about the history of Troma Films and independent filmmaking at Dragon*Con 2010
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