Short Film exercise from the Sine Lekol Introduction to Cinema Workshop taught by Michelange Quay, July 2008. Lessons in all aspects of production were presented to the entire schools student body. A Production of Fondation Festival Film Jakmel. Sponsored by Art Venture, Cinereach, FOKAL, Hedge Against Poverty, Jan Vrijman Fundand Mr. Francis Ford Coppola.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Motion Victures Presents “You Might Be A Pothead”, the first educational short released in the Motion Victures Educational Series on Education. *Note: this video in no way condones the consumption or appreciation of marijuana. It is purely for educational purposes in self-diagnosis of pot-headism. The advice contained in this video is in no way meant to replace the advice of a medical professional.* *No bongs were harmed in the production of this short*