Question by Unsung Hero: Personal Statement: should I write different versions for different universities offering different courses?
2 are offering film production, one is offering Tv and Film production, one is offering screen studies, and the other is offering Film: video production and film studies.
should I write slightly different personal statements? Am I even allowed multiple personal statements? (i’m in the UK btw) or should I just say how much I love all aspects of the subject area because really I would be equally happy with each one.
Best answer:
Answer by Elise
To be fair, they’re both very similar subjects.
I was in pretty much the same situation- for example, in one uni I applied for Music Technology, whereas in another I applied for Urban and Electronic Music Production. I used the same personal statement for an assortment of different music production courses, and managed to get offers back from all five! So honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Just make sure your statement brags about you as much as you can. Preferably write about things that are relevant though (i.e, when I applied to do music I mentioned my various grades in instruments, music performances and groups etc I’d participated in).
Hope this helps!
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