Question by Blank: PLEASE HELP. What is the best HD camcorder for film editing and compatible editing programs or coverter?
I am looking for a camcorder that is HD, that will be compatible with most editing programs. I use Adobe Premiere 6.0 and Windows Movie Maker right now.. but I am willing to buy new programs if need be. Maybe just something to covert files to mpeg? The problem is i’ve been to circuit city 5 times in the past week with the same questions and i’ve returned 4 cameras (2 hard drive, 2 mini DV).. I couldn’t get the videos to upload to my computer in the right format, nothing would work with my editing programs. I asked the circuit city employees MANY times if each would work and they said yes every time, that this one was different then the others, but they were not. I guess I was dumb to think they knew what they were talking about after them being wrong 1, 2, 3 times before. Whatever though. It’s just getting a little frustrating, but i’m 18 and i’m really into film and editing. New to the HD thing though. Please help. I have windows vista by the way, if that matters.
Thanks in advance.
Best answer:
Answer by aplusjimages
How are you connecting the cameras to your computer? Firewire is the best solution and I’ve found that a lot of the consumer HD cameras don’t come with one.
Also Premiere 6.0 doesn’t do HD. Upgrade to the newer version Premiere CS3 to do HD. You shouldn’t have any problems after that because it will have the most recent drivers for the newer cameras.
Plus don’t be so hard on the Circuit City guys because video editing is an industry in and of itself and to train some kid $ 7 an hour to know all the ins and outs of which systems work with which cameras is asking a lot. You are better asking people in video editing forums.
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