Question by Stephen B: Please help… What to do about this film-making partnership?
I’ve been friends with this guy since Feb. We have a LOT in common – same age, sun sign, opinions, intellect, same first name, same interests – among other things. We get along very good too. We’re both interested in filmmaking. One of my scripts that I wrote (AND copyrighted) is a 30 min short and we decided to do it together since I have no physical experience however I did my research for years, he has some exp. directing a short before, he also knows some ppl who are in one way or another connected to the business. I practically don’t. We want to start our own production company too, I basically updated the logo i drew for my own company and incorporated his name into it. Its not legally established yet of course, just a logo drawing/concept/idea.
He had to move down to FL cuz a family member screwed him out of his place to stay up here in NY, but he is supposed to come back this week or next so we can start auditioning ppl. But heres the thing…. (cont below)
Sometimes I can’t get ahold of him and am usually the one contacting him lately, he does apologize to me that he’s been very busy down there trying to establish himself in his new home/job for the past month. He is very sincere and honest. He was even upfront with me that he wrote several new pages for the short and will send it to me to see what i think, he doesnt care if i use them or not. I trust him and doesnt seem like a guy who would screw me over, like what John Russo did to George Romero.
Its just that my filmmaking dream is on hold cuz I have to wait for him to get his butt up here in NY so we can move forward. I’m just aching to do it, ya know? I just dont know what to do, cuz I want to move forward. I’m not saying I wanna ditch him, I dont know what I’m saying. He has been trying his best to get us both hooked up while down there cuz he has contacts there i.e. a friend who’s dad is a Viacom exec who read one of my scripts and wants to meet with us in the near future.
Best answer:
Answer by The Filmmaker
You said that he has a home and job in FL and is trying to make contact with people (ie Viacom Exec). Are you sure that he will be back next week?
My suggestion is to separate yourself. Listen, if you really trust this guy form your company- but make sure that EVERYTHING is on paper. Use a lawyer if possible. If not, just put EVERYTHING on paper and have it notorized so that there can NEVER be any question as to who gets/does what. Then…
Set yourself up as a separate entity. Always give him an option for your (you and him) company to be involved in your (you) projects. If he can not or does not want to be involved then you can proceed on your own.
1st learn more. Take every class that you can. Go to every seminar. You need to learn to be a Producer, as-well-as a screenwriter. Make contacts. Go to the Screenwriting Expo in LA held every Nov/Oct.
Look at this as your business, not some after school hobby.
Also, because you have know a guy for a couple months does not mean that you are a perfect match. Also, keep in mind, the best relationships (personal/business) are between opposites. Having everything is common is not really a good thing, especially if you THINK alike. Just things to consider.
Good luck.
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