Question by Shane A: Please shed some light, looking to buy a camera for top notch HD video and stills. What to buy? Advice?
First of all, thank you so much for your willingness to share your expertise. Starting a production company that will be filming all types of events. Mostly weddings, documentaries, corporate seminar type stuff. Not shooting Avatar here. Looking for professional advice only. We need a solution to shooting video, capturing good audio, and stills in one piece of equipment. Looking at the Canon 7D currently. Price range needs to be kept under $ 2,000USD.
Best answer:
Answer by Iridflare
There are people much better placed than me to answer, but is that $ 2000 just for the camcorder or is it for everything? fwiw, I don’t think you’re going to find anything that can give you video and stills at the quality you’ll need.
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