“Youth 48 Hours Video Fest on HIV/AIDS” — Second Edition 2010 1st December, 2010 For the second time, around 25 youngsters from all over the Kosovo were involved in the process of creating and producing short films that tackle different issue on HIV/AIDS. The participating youth were invited to apply through the existing youth networks, NGO’s, Youth centers and High schools in creating 5 short films that treat issues in perverting and fighting the HIV/AIDS spreading in Kosovo from a youth perspective. The teams were trained and accompanied by professional Kosovo filmmakers, who served as mentors and Facilitators that helped youngsters to sharpen their skills across all areas of filmmaking. Films will be critiqued by a distinguished panel of judges, and the best three will be awarded. Filmi/Film: “Paragjykimi/Prejudice” Ekipi Realizues/ Production team: Albana Istrefi, Bujar Kelmendi, Lumbardhë Ramadani, Vedat peci, Artan Pnishi Facilitator i Grupit/Group facilitator: Mërgim Oruci Xhirues/ Cameraman: Besnik Krivanjeva Montazha/Edited by: Fatos Mehmeti Sinopsis: A guy thinks that he has finally found the girl of his dreams. She is beautiful, honest and they communicate with each other just fine. But, none of this will impress him anymore because she is infected with HIV. Realizimi i Filmit/ Film Production: AGPro Producente/Producer: Zana Hoxha Krasniqi
Video Rating: 5 / 5
An homage to Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rope”. Short film produced at the New York Film Academy and directed by Vinny Sisson. For more information on the filmmakers and the New York Film Academy, please log on to www.nyfa.com