MAAVEERAN GEETHA ARTS Allu Aravind who has produced more than 40 Movies altogether in Tamil, Telugu & Hindi and a Leading production circle in the Indian film Industry has just launched one more movie in Telegu and it has been done in Tamil as MAAVEERAN starring Ram Chararn Teja and Kajorl Agarwal. Mrs Madhuvanthi Arun who is in charge of YGP schools said that the Hero while is her school was well trained in Dramas and now has come to this stage and was very proud of it. The film Industry dignatories like Rama Narayanan, The South India Film Producers Union, President, Dr Padmashri Kamal Hassan, Director KS Ravikumar, Ace Director Maniratnam, the Movie Director Raj Mouli, Mrs Madhuvanthi Arun, Allu Sirish, Red Giant Movies Producer, Distributor and now actor Udyanidhi Stalin and more VIP’s attended the functiion. The Movie Director Mr Raj Mouli said that he was in chennai and used to watch movies in SATHYAM cinemas and he wants this film too to be released in Sathyam cinemas. Kamal has appreciated the Producer and said that Both the Tamil, Telugu would have been released simultaneously as they have done in one movie. And wished all success for the movie. While the Mega Director KS Ravikumar in his speeches said that Money is not main, but having money the people should have the encouraging powers to produce a film and that too to develop like this by continuously taking movies. While on the dais the Hero of the Movie Ram Charan son of Chiranjeevi said that he was little …