As an Independent Filmmaker, (a.k.a. the Producer of a/your Project), you will be auditioning independent Stunt Performers for your Project. As an Independent the Stunt Performer is not an employee, nor partner, nor agent of the Producer and/or of the Production Company.
Signing this contract the independent Stunt Performer is assigning any and all Rights to their performance over to the Producer.
This Agreement between the independent Stunt Performer and the Producer is drafted in plain English that is easy to read and comprehend. The Agreement may be filled in on your computer or printed out and filled in later.
Boiler–plate clauses, amongst others in the Agreement, include: confidentiality of Project, waiver of Stunt Performer’s right to inspect or approve the final cut, dismissal for drug/alcohol/illegal photographs/nuisance etc., engagement dates, termination notice. Your Lawyer will draft any and all other clauses for your Project’s unique situations and circumstances.
There are two forms of this Agreement. The first contract the Stunt Performer purchases any and all Insurance necessary to cover the stunts to be performed. This includes liability for other personnel on the set, the Set, equipment etc. The Project may be a film, music video, stage play, documentary, animation/cartoon voice-over etc.
The second form of the Agreement the Producer purchases the necessary Insurance.