Question by talia: put these schools in order from best to worst: film major?
i want to major in film/cinematography. just wondering what you thought of these schools
university of california, san diego
university of california, santa cruz
university of california, santa barbara
cal state university northridge
cal state university long beach
san francisco state university
you don’t necessarily have to put them in order. i’m just trying to figure out, out of these schools, which would be best for me. or any input you have on these ^ schools
and i know usc, and ucla and chapman have REALLY good film programs, but i’m just focusing on these ^ main schools because i have a better chance of getting into them.
thanks 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by PE2008
They are all ranked “Worst” because Film degrees almost always lead to either unemployment or occasional job making movies for parents at kiddies’ birthday parties. (You get extra tips if you wear a clown suit and let kids honk your red rubber nose).
Don’t waste your time, and your parents’ money, on “Film School”.
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