Question by isaac a: Al Quaeda had no links with Iraq before the invasion? Bull-****! Read details.?
Source CNN: Zarqawi (who had ties with Al-Quaida)recieved medical treatment in a Baghdad hospital after being wounded while fighting American forces in Afghanistan.(this occured before the coalitions invasion of Iraq in 2003)
Source:Hannity and Colmes:THE FORMER IRAQI REGIME OF Saddam Hussein trained thousands of radical Islamic terrorists from the region at camps in Iraq over the four years immediately preceding the U.S. invasion The existence and character of these documents has been confirmed to THE WEEKLY STANDARD by eleven U.S. government officials.
The secret training took place primarily at three camps–in Samarra, Ramadi, and Salman Pak–and was directed by elite Iraqi military units. Interviews by U.S. government interrogators with Iraqi regime officials and military leaders corroborate the documentary evidence. Many of the fighters were drawn from terrorist groups in northern Africa with close ties to al Qaeda.
The truth comes out in the wash.
Propaganda/Media.I get my information from national news sources just like you.I guess in the end it comes down to a gut feeling of whats true and what isnt.I believe that after gulf war one Sadaam and Alquaeda did establish ties with each other in opposition to the United States.Number two the point is not needed to justify our invasion of Iraq anyways.When Sadaam refused to let U.N. inspectors search he was automatically i9n violation of the cease fire agreement of 1991.Point blank in a nutshell.I think that after 9/11 Bush decided not to put up with any more games from Sadaam while simultaneously waging war with the Taliban in Afghanistan.I think he made the decision to kill two birds with one stone.Good for him.And thank you to the soldiers who risk theyre lives everyday to provide the right for liberals to come in here and spew there garbage about the war.Its not a soldiers fault that some americans dont have the intestinal fortitude to stand firm when the going gets rough.
Of course brian already knows this being in the 98th percentile .
I fully supported the war in Afghanistan and I was calling for invasion prior to 9/11. I suppose if someone had listened to me, maybe it wouldn’t have happened?
Well brian your going to have to talk to clinton about that now arn’t you.
Smoking gun.Why pick up a book when I have the DVD set?
Hey I got an idea, why dont you put that koran down,and get this Single called “Im proud to be an american” Or would that be offensive to you?”Theres another hot topic,these freakin scumbags that malinger in America.If Arabia is so great smokin gun take your silly behind to travelocity and buy yourself a one way ticket.Bah-bye.
Ahhhhh FUCK ALL OF YOU! At least after the invasion we have wittled down the number of terrorists that could have ended up in Americas future. Oh yeah did I say FUCK YOU! I did?ok let me say it again FUCK YOU! I hope the next terrorist bomb lands on somebody here that is sympathyzing with them.HAHAHAHAHA
Best answer:
Answer by Kyle C
… George Bush has gone on the record stating that (paraphrasing): We know that Al Qeada and Saddam didn’t have any links before 9/11; I think that’s pretty well established.
I think most of those “link” reports were assumptions, bad journalism, and complicit propaganda.
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