Question by emily_princessofdarkness: Any suggestions for the storyline of a 15 minute film?
I have to make a short 15 minute film for my cinematography class but my group has no ideas whatsoever…any suggestions are much appreciated…theres 1 girl and 2 guys in the group…we have to write the script and act in it also. Please dont be perverted with your suggestions…Thanks a bunch!
Best answer:
Answer by Taylieiskawaii
Random subjects off the top of my head:
Something Politcal
Spoof of something
An everyday situation that gets twisted around
Something about the enviorment mabey have the guys litter and the girls do something funny with it.
A series issue with a comical ending ( the two guys are smokeing the girl takes the cigarete and runs far away)
Something that looks like it has an expected ending but dosent
Mabey a slient film
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!