Question by David: Are filters useful for digital photography?
I was cleaning out my closet, and found a bunch of filters I used on my 35mm film camera back in high school…I never mastered the use of filters then, would they be useful for digital photography? Like a ND filter, polarizing filter and so on? Or can their effects be simulated just with photoshop? I’m from the school of thought to get it right the first time, not to rely on photoshop so much…but like I said, I never mastered filters before, so are they worth learning and mastering when and where to use them?
Best answer:
Answer by Qoph
Yes, your photos will come out better if you use the right equipment instead of trying to simulate effects in an image manipulation program. I’m not sure if you would find use for a neutral density filter, but a graduated one sure. Colour-correction filters are obviously not worth using on a digital camera because of white balance, but other than that I would say learn how to use them.
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