Question by Chris: Can you be kicked out of college for not being talented?
I ask this because I recently read this interview from a film director, who stated that he was kicked out of film school because he wasn’t talented enough.
“In film school, I was quickly singled out by a couple of instructors who considered me the least talented student in the bunch; whatever I did was always ridiculed. I never had the pretention the other students did, they all assumed they would go on to make art festival movies that would win awards. It wasn’t where my heart was at.
I always wanted to make the exact kind of films that I enjoyed watching as a teenager. My directing teacher dropped me from his class on the very first day. He said he needed to weed out people who didn’t belong in filmmaking. It was tough on my ego, but I had already seen one of the features he had made, and wasn’t impressed at all. I waited a year until someone else taught the same class.”
can this really happen? It surprises me that it would.
Best answer:
Answer by Brianna
Thats so stupid! People rejected vincent van gogh work and jeered him but look at his famous level now.
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