Question by a: Canon EOS 7D worth it for filmmaking?
I am an amateur filmmaker. Should I get the new Canon EOS 7D camera for its digital filmmaking, or should I stick to the cheaper Canon Hv40. Also, what sound equipment works well with the 7D?
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
You know, the 7D is an advanced still camera happens to have a video feature. It was never intended to be a video production camera.
You bring up an interesting point with the sound system. If you look at the available sound equipment for decent camcorders, you can use wireless microphones, Canon connections and standard audio jacks. These newest broadcast quality camcorders don’t cost over $ 6,500 any more so if you are going to produce short quality videos, you will find it easier to just use a video camera which is set up with all the features you need for such a production.
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