Question by oreo: Columbia College of Chicago.? and Michigan Film Schools?
I’m a senior in highschool.? I want to Double Major in Film Directing and being a publicist. And Minor in Acting (my true passion). Im serious about this. This has been my life. I have looked around Michigan and nothing fits my fancy. I have a 2.64 and a 23 on my ACT so I knew that UCLA and USC and all the major and good film schools were out of the picture. BUT then i heard about Columbia College of Chicago. It seems to good to be true. You can basically be half incompatent and still get in. Yet its rated one of the highest Film schools in the country. I COULD GET IN! And its in Chicago! One of the only Midwestern places were film is HUGE! Its only three hours from home. So thats far enough, yet close enough. And I have a perfect excuse to get out of Michigan now. I have Also Applied to Arizona State Univesrity but its toooooo far. And I dont think I could take my studies as seriously. As well as Three schools in Michigan but i doubt any of them could take me nearly as far as Columbia COllege of Chicago. BUt I need to know a school being this flexible really does make me suspicious. And I HATE art freaks. I know I’ll have to learn to deal with them but are their NORMAL students.
I heard tuition reaches 37000. But only 19000 of that is actual tuition the rest is room and board. But i heard that is OPTIONAL. I’m applying as we speak and it all just sounds TOO good to be true. I also heard you can room with students from other schools in Chicago and around the area. Thats amazing. So basically I want to know:
1. How much tuition is WITHOUT room and Board.
2. How much it is with room and board.
3. What kind of scholarships are offered, if any to African American Women with 2.64 GPA/23 ACT.
4. Is it truly an amazing school, whats its cracked up to be
5. Is it a school that I could easily transfer into if i decided t go to Western for a year.
6. Is it really small. I know its small but TOO small.
7. Any parties, things to do. People who AREN’T ART FREAKS!
8. What LEGIT directors have come out of that school
9. Will I be able to find a job, one to start of with
10. The connections.? It is Chicago afterall
11. Internships.?
Let me know.
And say i decide not to go there.
What are the best schools in Michigan for film out of this selection:
Wayne State University
Eastern Michigan University
Western Michigan University
Central Michigan University
I know its a lot but I’m digging really hard before I go and visit.
Let me know asap.
You dont have to know all of them but I could use all the help I could get.
Best answer:
Answer by BaFfler
Columbia College of Chicago is so-so. They are expensive, but you will learn if you are a self-starter.
My real suggestion is don’t go to film school. If you must go to film school, go to one that is part of a larger state university.
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