Question by : Conservatives do you realize intelligent design is not even a hypothesis?
The theory of evolution is pretty much fact because the evidence points to it (every fossil is a transitional fossil) Hypothesis is an idea based off of direct observation (intelligent design says someone, not something did it, which there is no observation of that someone)
Evolution was a hypothesis, we saw the evidence it was upped to a theory. As to what caused it, we now know what did.
Watch this pbs documentary and see for yourself. PBS is unbiased and only cares about the facts. Disagreeing with your standpoint does not make it biased, it makes you close minded.
What sayeth you and your opinions on this?
NOVA – What darwin never knew
just like the bible intelligent design makes the mistake of assumption first obervation second. this is not the scientific process
Best answer:
Answer by James
To be fair, your confusing what science is and what empirical reasoning is capable of. Science is an attempt to explain the natural world through natural phenomenon. It would be antithetical to science to assume or hypothesize an intelligent designer.
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