Question by Chancho: Deleting facebook? Technology and our youth…?
Hi, im 18, I have only 4 more days left of high school! wooo, then off to the fire academy! So thats me…
So, I feel that facebook gives people an entire new way to judge you. It is not a face to face conversation and sometimes they do not clearly understand your sarchasm or tone to make what your saying funny, or work in general. They can also judge you from your pictures, if you have few, a lot, too much. What you look like in the picture, and so on. Another thing about facebook is I believe it makes few people become more immature joining stupid groups such as “not being shot in the face” which is offensive to some who have had a tragedy, it makes people numb to violence. So thats how I feel about facebook.
PROS & CONS: Off to college and Im debating if I should keep it, because I do not want to miss out on an oppurtunity. For example, a girl I like has one, and I dont, and if we talked on there things could kick off. But then again I do have a cell phone…and it could increase engaging in more real life conversations.
So what do you think? Girls especially?
Do you find guys who dont use social networking cites more attractive and independent?
Best answer:
Answer by saywhat
well it all depends …. some girls can look at your profile and see you for your party life or so on if that is the way you are and she might not like it or she might be like heck ya lets party you know ….. some people like to know what other people are like and yes some people judge people so much cause of there facebook profile … that is why i have all my stuff on my facebook only being viewed by certain friends not all my friends but my really close ones … so it is not really an attraction or anything cause a guy is using social networking and it isn’t a turn off it all goes by how you present your self … just like in person !!
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