by aavarnum
Question by delina_m: Do you think English would become our 2nd rather than our 1st language here in the US?
Filmmaker Ric Burns, who has made a half-hour documentary for the exhibit, says that’s because the current Spanish-speaking wave of immigration is expected to last about 150 years — while the peak of the European wave of immigration lasted only about 40 years.
“Sometime in 2060 or 2070, the United States in general will be more Latino heritage than Anglo heritage or non-Latino heritage,” Burns says. “And before the end of the 21st century, the United States will be the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. That’s just a mind-boggling reality.”
Si Pat, lo hicimos. No me preocupa el cambio de idioma.
Best answer:
Answer by sieg6529
If current trends prevail, yes. Anglos aren’t breeding enough.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!