Question by John Smith: Does anyone know of a good tour for a Video Production class?
ai teach a video production class at at high school in Connecticut and was wondering if anyone know of a tour that would be good for the students (most likely in new york)
They are learning all the aspects of video production, how to film, studio work, editing, sound, broadcasting, makeup, and acting
Best answer:
Answer by Russell E
You could probably ask a local broadcast station(doesn’t have to be New York) if it would be permitted for your class to visit their facilities, perhaps even to watch them do a news broadcast. I’m sure that most local affiliates would be happy to provide a tour to students.
I took video production classes in high school and in college. It was my major, in fact.
You might also consider a University in your area. Most Universities have good video and audio production facilities, and your students could get a look at how a small scale radio or television station operates. They usually have very nice equipment, editing facilities, etc…
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