Question by loving _life: does “DIGITAL” SLR camera have films?
i need 35mm MANUAL SLR camera for photography class in high school
and i dont know which brand is good and dont know the difference between DIGITAL SLR and just SLR/……….
please give me a specific model code for beginner and does digital SLR have films?
Best answer:
Answer by john s
DSLR and SLRs are different. a digital SLR camera is just that, digital. The only non DSLR cameras are film. Try a Asahi Pentax Camera or any entry level Canon SLRs, i.e. Rebel G, XS, K. etc. You can find them all on ebay for pretty cheap, under $ 100 with accessories & lenses if you get a good deal. The birth of the digital photography has made film SLRs very cheap, but they’re much, much better in my opinion.
Good Luck!
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