Question by Jacky H: Few question regarding this policy? (English question)?
This is the policy which i’m strugglign with
Local Content Rules in Australian TV and radio ensure that Australian stories and Australian voices are heard over the deluge of American programming. But the US, not content with this, has used the FTA to limit Australia’s right to regulate its film, TV and radio.
The US has reported that “the FTA contains important and unprecedented provisions to improve market access for U.S. films and television programs over a variety of media including cable, satellite, and the Internet.”
The FTA significantly limits the government’s right to regulate the Australian media, including:
* In the Multi-Channel environment for Free To Air TV, 80% of channels will be free of local content regulation.
* Pay TV will only have to spend 10% of their total production budget on local content, and this only applies to arts, children’s, documentary, drama and educational shows – other subjects can have no local content quotas.
* In the area of Australian film, the ability to regulate has been lost.
This is the AUSFTA policy summary. Now few English question:
– It says on the first sentence – Australian voices to be heard. I’m not sure what this ‘voice’ implies? Do you answerers kinda make sense of it? I was thinking for example, certain program…for example let’s say in American Idol, – our Government thinks that Australia viewers should have a say. Is it right?
– improve market access for U.S. – does this imply that US imposed certain rules to Australian policy that allows Australian viewers to access US film/drama easily?
– And finally, what does ” Multi-Channel” mean? if it just implies free-to-air television channels, does the following sentence
“80% of channels will be free of local content regulation. ” mean that government don’t apply their local content policy to 80% of channels program???
Thanks in advance,
Please help as I’m really struggling to make sense of this policy.
Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by dheeruyadav
This policy is very very confusing, i think you need to take help from some experts.
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