Question by Edgar Alan Poser: Film Industry questions(please, peopel with experience only!)?
here are the questions I need answered:
1.What preperations must I make before going inot the film industry?
(I want to be a director or editor)
2.What type of college degree will I need?
(ie: masters, bachelors, etc.?)
3.What preperations do I need? (do I need to be able to speak a different language? )
4.What is a good film college that isn’t too expensive?
(I was looking into GSU because it was recomended and because I heard it was a good film college, if you can provide any info on it, it’s appreciated)
5.who will hire? what are some film companies that might need an editor or director?(specifically somewhere around Florida or georgia)
-I am currently in a magnet highschool in the TV. Production(soon to be “Film” class)
Best answer:
Answer by acapulco123
1. make a portfolio that contains all your short films and basically just what you have created. Try taking photography. Watch a lot of old films and everyone of them, analyze the angles they use and what is trying to be emphasized.
2. you could use an associates degree but bachelors is more common.
3. No need for a diff. language, although would look good on your resume.
4. good film college is UCLA, Long Beach, etc.
5. you need to get hook ups from friends from school since the film industry is 90% freelancing. Always make phone calls and be active.
p.s. don’t let your ego get the better of you. good luck!
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