Question by ♥love is all that matters♥: Good holocaust documentaries or child abuse true story movies?
I’ve been watching different movies on netflix about the holocaust and different things, and I caught a glimpse of this very disturbing yet almost interesting child abuse story. I can’t seem to find anything else on these, i’ve only seen a few movies, and I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on any movies or documentaries.
Best answer:
Answer by I Love Richard KHC
Their is one called The Girl Next door and one called An American Crime, they are about the same true story and both are very disturbing. I watched one of them on the Netflix instant play. Precious is very good and it is about a girl that was abused as a child and her life now that she is a bit older but still abused.
If you like Holocaust movies watch The Pianist, The boy in the Striped Pajamas, Shindlers list, Life is Beautiful, and Jacobs Ladder with Robin Williams. I know you said documentary’s but if you like documentary’s then you would like these movies
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