Question by lowroad: have you heard of this new documentary film called “Manufacturing Decent” about Michael Moore?
the filmmakers set out as fans and eventually ended up being left with the opinion that he was was actually a mean person and a filmmaker who fudged the truth to make his films what they were!
is this a surprise to anyone? i never trusted that artist from day one. I never got the feeling that his version of the truth was honest or useful nor did i appreciate his way of dealing with people and humans. Why should he dicide who is good and who is bad?
now if i went overboard and called him a villian and bash him I would be doing the exact same thing i criticize him for doing to George Bush and others but i am pleased that his or rather our hypocrysy may be more visible after this film is released about him and his work.
Best answer:
Answer by sara6398
The problem is what we consider to be the “truth.” Michael Moore doesn’t necessarily need to be honest, but what he does do is shed some light on a different perspective from what you would normally be fed from CNN. It’s so surprising how many people are afraid of considering different sides to stories. We’re so used having blind faith in the media that anything that comes across as a different view is seen as untrustworthy or just plain lies.
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