Question by Dr.Know-it-All: How can I prove that global warming is real to a friend who refuses to believe it?
From what I understand, global warming is not a debate, but an accepted fact. The controversy, then, comes from whether or not it is caused by human activity.
My friend refuses to believe that this is true, because he’s seen something that says that Al Gore is basically incompetent and ignorant, and laughs off his documentary because it applied the use of a Power Point presentation.
He also cites that hundreds of scientists, previously on some United Nations panel on reducing global warming (I believe it was the IPCC or something to that extent), have recanted their beliefs and are now proclaiming that global warming is just mass hysteria, and that going along with it will create more job loss and economic downfall.
How can I refute his beliefs? How can I get him to consider a global warming caused by human activity? Is there any information I can give him or are there any sites that give both sides of the argument (i.e., which gives objections to global warming and then rebuts those objections with valid, reliable, and easily understood evidence for human-directed global warming?
Please help me with this. It would mean a lot to me to get my friend more aware of his contributions to the crisis, as well as helping both of us become more scientifically literate.
Big thanks to everyone who helps!
Best answer:
Answer by super cutie pie 732
you can prove by showing him/her by a book OR ask a teacher! THERE
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