Question by soinlove: How hard is it to double major in Film Production and Finance?
How hard is it do this? I am very good at film and everything creative. I am also very good with numbers/math/people and am a pretty organized person. I work good under pressure. I am just wondering, is it hard to do this? I need Finance as a backup and I am a bit interested in it as well..but film is my first priority…I also don’t like any other fields like medicine or architecture or engineering, etc. How hard is it to do this? Will I have time for both of these things (little personal life is fine as long as I have 2 good degrees). P.S. I am an undergrad (sophomore status) with a 3.7 GPA.
Best answer:
Answer by RoaringMice
It might be possible, but it depends on the university, and on what type of film degree you get. If you were able to get a BA in film, you probably would be able to double major in finance and get everything done, perhaps just needing an extra semester, maybe take some classes over a summer, etc. But if you’re doing a BFA in film, that’s an intense degree. You don’t even have time to take some of the requirements other bachelor degree students have to take – for example, you’re often waived out of the language requirement. So if you were to double major, it might require you to spend some extra terms in school.
And some schools won’t let you double major like this. NYU, for example, which has elite level business and film majors, won’t let you double major in this way. Not across schools. Business is in Stern School of Business, and film is in Tisch, and you must apply to one or the other.
So you’ll need to check into the possibility of doing this at the schools you’re considering, specifically.
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