Question by I Love EveryBody 🙂: How to attract rich and famous people [like film producers] and make it big in our careers?
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Best answer:
Answer by Rupert Roo
Most of Hollywood is based on Nepotism, so it helps if you know people or are related to them. Example:
Talia Shire is the brother of Francis Ford Coppola. She went on to be “Adrienne!” in the Rocky films and some other roles too. Her son is Jason Schwatrzman who was in I Heart Huckabee and The Darjeeling Limited. In addition Nick Coppola is his cousin, better known as Nicholas Cage. See my point?
Also it never hurts to sleep your way to the top, but this route is largely limited to attractive but talentless women (I’m talking to you, Sharon Stone).
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