Question by Eric: i dont know what to do in college!?
so i wanna do R.O.P. which is when your school gives you full credits for classes in high school that you need for your major in college. and its so much easier, because you get around 3-4 classes compared to 6.
my only problem is, if i wanna take it, i have to choose what i want to do for college. the problem is, i have no clue what i want to be. and i need help giving me a suggestion of what i can major in.
i love making movies, editing and filming them, so i want to be a director or just me involved in the movie industry, but i also love the environment, and im interested in finding new, cleaner ways of energy and a healthy life style. not only that, but i like politics, and i like being involved in them.
but i dont want to do anything that deals with math.
(i was considering majoring in environmental policy)
Best answer:
Answer by Brian G
Get a copy of “What Color Is Your Parachute?” and read it cover to cover. He spells out how to discover what your passion in life is, how to translate that into a job and a career and why that is so important. For example, he notes that being a secretary for a plant nursery, a church or a law firm are three totally different jobs. It sounds as though you can parlay your three interests into an interesting career. Good Luck.
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