Question by <3 Anthony!: I have a camera with a wide angle lense, and 720p video quality, need advice for filmmaking with it?
I make short films for YouTube, and I just got a new camera and a tripod and find it hard to film with it for some rewason, if you have any advice please help
Best answer:
Answer by Mandy
You are not very clear as to what you mean by “hard to film with it”. Using a tripod will help a great deal, keeping the video from looking shaky. Hand-holding is okay sometimes for those gorilla shots. Make sure you have ample lighting (more is better than less). Make sure your audio is clear and loud enough (but don’t over saturate). Consumer-grade cams don’t record audio very well but using an external mic near your talent will help a lot. Watch for back-ground distraction in your shots. A viewer will automatically be drawn to whatever is in the background.
Planning your video projects ahead of time will make much better videos.
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