Question by Missy: I need help picking a college?
I’m an accredited home schooled high school student. I get straight A’s. I’m preparing heavily for both my ACT and SAT tests. I’m taking as many AP classes as I can, and scoring all fives on the finals. First, I’ve always wanted to go to Harvard, but I’m not quite sure anymore. Academic excellence is definitely a top priority when picking the college I want to go to, but location is really big for me, too. I have always wanted to move to England, so I’m wondering if I should go to Cambridge or Oxford. I also love New York City with a passion, so I have been considering New York University. Chicago is a beautiful place to be, too. I have a soft spot for Notre Dame, because it’s a Catholic school, and I’m Catholic. There just seems to be so many choices for me to decide from.
Are there any schools that you would like to recommend to me? I’m currently in the process of publishing my first novel, so I may or may not decide to major in English. It would be wonderful to study the arts. Both journalism and film editing are also passions of mine.
As you can see, I’m not exactly sure what I want. That’s why I need your help. I definitely want to go to school where there is four seasons. That would mean that any colleges in California and Florida are a no for me. I currently live in Wisconsin. Even though I love it here, I don’t want to go to school here. I suppose that the two places that I’m aiming towards the most, would have to be New York City and England. I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad decision to pick a college inside London, though.
Thank you for any advice! Have a wonderful day! 🙂
Harvard and Oxford aren’t the only colleges I mentioned. I find that the answers so far are very rude and quite uncalled for. No, my head isn’t stuck in the clouds. You both clearly haven’t read my whole question. The both of you come across as complete pricks to me.
Best answer:
Answer by Emily M
I know you said you do not want to go to school in Wisconsin, but U. Wisconsin-Madison is one of the best universities in the USA, you can study just about anything you want there, and there is a good overseas study program that would permit you to go to England for part of your education. I would suggest applying to U.Wisconsin as a backup; you are fortunate to live in a state that has such an excellent state university.
Also, you mentioned that you are Catholic. I would like to suggest that you consider some of the excellent Jesuit universities in the USA including Georgetown, Loyola (in Chicago), Xavier, Fordham, Boston College (and Marquette if you decide Wisconsin’s not so bad after all) etc.
Finally, some other elite schools in large cities are U.Chicago and Columbia (in NYC).
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!