Question by SJBG101: I need ideas for a film…please help! Desperate!?
I am in a film class and we are supposed to make a 3-5 minute production. I have some ideas and I’m brainstorming on how to set up the actual scenes. I want other people’s input thou to try to make this film as different as possible as I am also getting graded on creativity. It is supposed to be a very proffessional film so please no gore, excessive unnecessary references to sex or violence. Im not saying the elements cant be there but they have to be IMPLIED not EXPLICIT. also, the film should be appropiate for high school kids…so nothing too graphic.
Looking forward to reading ur ideas…i really need the help!
* I didnt narrow it down because it can be about anything in any style. The project allows a lot of creative freedom 😀
Thanks for your ideas! They were helpful.
Best answer:
Answer by Alee Mcvige
You didn’t really narrow down to what you wanted, but I’ll just try and get your brain running!
For something unique try googling absurdist theatre, it is very different from the normal and may give you some ideas.
Or how about working off of a persons traumas or issues. I’m a recently recovered annorexic and I find any time I do school work that mentions anorexia I get a really good grade, I’m thinking because I know it so well and can give people insight or understanding/knowledge to the situation.
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