Question by Amber: I want to do something in th film industry, it’s my dream. I need LOTS of advice, please help?
I am 21 years old and have always wanted to do something in the film industry. I recently took an intro to film making class. It was very fun but difficult b/c I have no prior experience. I have amazing ideas for stories, I’d love to act but I know its incredibly difficult to do. I’m currently going to school for a communications degree with a minor in film and cinema studies. I don’t think this teaches you anything about creating a film project. I live in Minnesota and really don’t want to move away. There is a technical college here that has a film program but the classes are offered at inconvenient times. I have not given up but I really have nobody to talk to about this. None of my school counselors can point me in the right direction. So many people my age interested in film are already out there getting experience and it kills me b/c I have no idea where to go! So if anybody has advice about majors, what I should do to get started or any other help please let me know! Thank you so much!
Best answer:
Answer by Gray Area
Here’s the thing. You say you want this so bad and in a few more sentences you’re telling us what you do not want to do. So don’t do anything. The industry does not need you anyway. There are already too many artists, directors, actors, make up artists, editors, production designers for too few jobs. So stay home.
If you really, really want to tackle this industry however, then remove the word, “no” from your vocabulary, remove the phrase, “I don’t want to….” from your vocabulary. There are books you can pick up like The Guerilla Filmmakers handbook that is a pretty decent tutorial on the business ins and outs of producting your own film and getting it distributed. In the greater picture, you will probably have to leave Minnesota for Los Angeles. LA is where the film industry is centered. That is where the best networking within the industry can be done. I’m not talking about schmoozing, hanging out at some bar in the misguided hopes someone discovers you. That does not happen. Networking happens when you work with some people and down the line they remember your great work ethic and recommend you again to whomever else they happen to be working for.
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