Question by Neo M: I want to get into the film editing…?
And I am trying to debate on whether to go to a university, or go to a film-school (tech school) get an internship, job, then settle in the job and then finish college.
So, either go to college, graduate in film (specifically film editing) or… I am looking at
Is that site legit? If not, is there a more legit school liek that that anyone knows about? That film connection isn’t a scam right?
Most of all, should I go to college first then try to get a job after it, or should I do something like Film Connection, get a job, then finish college. I have 34 hours of my core classes in college already.
Best answer:
Answer by brookecb13
go to college and do an internship at the same time. most film programs will require that you have one anyway.
a great film school is the north carolina school of the arts:
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