by uniondocs
Question by warplesnorkle: I want to make a documentary, but I don’t want to get into trouble.?
My boyfriend and I were passing through a bad-ish part of town, and we started talking about prostitutes and stuff, and I thought it would be kinda interesting to see if I could get some of them to talk to me on film about how they got to where they are, and what it would take to get them out of the situations that they are in. I have a friend who is a semi-amateur documentary filmmaker- he enters festivals and what not, so I could probably get him to help.
What I want to know is how I could talk to them without getting A) my butt kicked, or B) Thrown in jail for soliciting a prostitute (even though it’s not anything to do with sex.)
I also would be willing to pay them for the interview, which would be held in a public place, but I don’t wanna break any laws.
Any advice or suggestions are welcome.
Best answer:
Answer by Libcrusher101
Talking to someone is not illegal. Soliciting sex is. I suspect that they are not going to talk to you,they would not want their faces on camera, and would use their real name anyway. You will bring unwanted attention to the neighborhood, and your film could be used as evidence, of prostitution and drug dealing.. best of luck
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