Question by Teenage Drama Queen: Im 16, how can i find out what the best acting schools are?
When i leave school i want to study acting so i can be an actress for tv & film. How do i find out what are the best acting schools or colleges or courses i can go to? Are there any websites that can help me?
Best answer:
Answer by Theatre Doc
Colleges and universities are worthless if you want to be a film actress. The best thing to do is to pick and choose classes from this studio and that to get the best training rather than tie yourself to one school. I do not believe that a person aspiring to become an actor should go to college, rather they should get a four-year head start on the competition by starting to prepare for their career while in high school and right out of school. At 16, you should be looking for a summer acting camp for this year, and you should be building your resume by being in your school’s plays. For more information read my profile and write me at my aol address where I advise aspiring actors for free.
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