Question by eventfulnights82: I’m finishing up my jr year in high school and I was wondering if there was any…?
schools out there that were more of an independent study/ college-like schools where i could finish up my senior year and get on with my life. I hate sitting in a classroom for 7 hours and then having endless homework. I’m extremely passionate about film/video production but the rest of it bores me. I want a school that I don’t have to be sitting in a classroom forever and ever but still will let me apply to private universities…is there anything like that out there? i only need my english and history and one more elective credits to meet college requirements and i have a 3.87 gpa
Best answer:
Answer by shaubloom
Hey there is! I did this sort of thing for my second semester of my senior year! I did Brigham Young University Independant Study, it was great! They offer high school courses that are $ 100 a piece but totally worth it. I seriously loved it, you should seriously try it! You only have like 10 homework assignments for the whole semester and like one proctored test, and their ridiculous easy, but you do learn a lot too! Definatly check out the link below though if you are interested!
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